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Tsev so project rooj tog khoom kim heev kev cai tshuaj yej rooj teeb marble loj kas fes rooj rau chav nyob Z-020

Chaw: Chav nyob
Qeb: Lub Rooj Kas Fes
Style: High-End Luxury

Khoom Loj: Customizable
Xim: Customizable
Khoom siv: Customizable
MOQ: 1

Muab ib daim duab rau kuv, cov khoom siv rau koj

    Customize cov khoom nyob rau hauv daim duab, thov nias Inquiry / sai sai tau txais ib qho kev kwv yees thiab freight

    Cov lus qhia kev cai:

    ● Lub tsev ntiag tug tuaj yeem hloov kho, tag nrho lub tsev tuaj yeem txuag tau 60%
    ● Chaw ntiav pw/homestays thiab tej yaam num yog customized raws li tus tsim nyhuv
    ● Lub tuam tsev muag khoom vaj tsev / qauv chav / chav tsev hardcover
    ● Designers customize tej yam khoom muaj tswv yim thiab tej yaam num
    ● Ntiaj teb no DDP qhov rooj xa mus rau qhov rooj



    Qhia peb zoo heev Hotel Project Furniture Khoom kim heev Custom Tea Table Set, featuring ib stunning marble loj kas fes rooj uas yuav elevate lub elegance ntawm tej chav nyob. Crafted nrog precision thiab saib xyuas kom meej, cov txheej no yog tsim los coj ib tug kov ntawm cov khoom kim heev thiab sophistication rau koj qhov chaw.

    Qhov tseem ceeb ntawm cov teeb no yog lub rooj kas fes marble, uas exudes opulence thiab timeless kev zoo nkauj. Lub smooth, polished nto ntawm marble ntxiv ib tug kov ntawm grandeur rau chav tsev, ua rau nws yog ib tug focal point rau kev sib sau ua ke thiab kev sib tham. Kev tsim kho kom ruaj khov ua kom muaj zog, thaum lub sleek tsim ntxiv ib lub ntsej muag niaj hnub rau koj qhov chaw nyob.

    Ntxiv nrog rau lub rooj kas fes marble, cov txheej no suav nrog lub rooj sab nrauv thiab lub rooj zaum kawg, muab cov khoom sib xyaw ua ke thiab stylish rau koj chav nyob. Kev xav tsim thiab kev ua haujlwm tsis zoo ua rau cov khoom no tsis yog ua haujlwm nkaus xwb tab sis kuj ua haujlwm ntawm kev kos duab uas yuav txhim kho kev zoo nkauj ntawm koj lub tsev.

    Txawm hais tias koj tab tom nrhiav los tsim ib qho chaw zoo nkauj hauv lub tsev so project lossis nrhiav kev txhawb nqa lub décor ntawm koj chav nyob, qhov kev cai tshuaj yej lub rooj yog qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj. Nws versatility thiab timeless thov kom nws haum rau ntau yam ntawm sab hauv tsim qauv, los ntawm classic mus rau niaj hnub.

    Indulge in the allure of luxurious and sophistication with our Hotel Project Furniture Luxury Custom Tea Table Set. Ua kom koj qhov chaw nyob nrog kev zoo nkauj tsis tu ncua ntawm marble thiab cov khoom siv tes ua tsis zoo ntawm peb cov rooj kas fes tsim.

    Customized tsum ntawm cov khoom kim heev marble rooj kas fes rooj tog rau tsev so thiab engineering tej yaam num.
    Yog tias koj yog tus tswv ntawm qhov project, thov hu rau peb tam sim nrhiav tus neeg yuav khoom.
    Dawb qauv ua, qauv xa tawm dawb, kev npaj pub dawb. Ua tsaug caw koj tuaj xyuas peb lub Hoobkas rau kev sib tham.


    0102 ib03

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