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Izindawo zokuhlala e- Stone and wall e-Skiathos

Ulwandle lwaseGreece i-Aegean luyathandeka kakhulu, lubhekene nomoya omncane wasolwandle, lunyathela phezu kwamagagasi esihlabathi athambile amhlophe, anothando kakhulu! Bangaki abantu abaphupha ngaleli holide lapha.
Umbala wale phrojekthi yangokwezifiso wamukela ithoni eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka emnyama, ethambile futhi eyimfihlakalo, ezolile futhi ebukekayo; Ifenisha iyona ekwazi kakhulu ukuveza isimo sengqondo esikhululekile sesitayela sasendulo, ilogi yembula umoya wokukhululeka, hhayi iholide elilula, phumula umoya!
Indawo yokuhlala yetshe nezindonga e-Skiathos1c97
Indawo yokuhlala yamatshe nebonda e-Skiathos (1)gsr
Indawo yokuhlala yasekhaya yetshe nebonda e-Skiathos (8)moe
Izindlu e- Stone and wall e-Skiathos (2)ito
Indawo yokuhlala yetshe nebonda e-Skiathos (3)n6j
Indawo yokuhlala yasekhaya yetshe nebonda e-Skiathos (4)hsk
Indawo yokuhlala yasekhaya yamatshe nebonda e-Skiathos (5)ie4
Indawo yokuhlala yasekhaya yetshe nebonda e-Skiathos (6)i1k
Indawo yokuhlala yasekhaya yamatshe nebonda e-Skiathos (12)ke7
Indawo yokuhlala yasekhaya yamatshe nebonda e-Skiathos (11) p1r
Indawo yokuhlala yamatshe nebonda e-Skiathos (10)pkk
Indawo yokuhlala yamatshe nezindonga e-Skiathos (9)4lf